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“Our society is so abnormal that the normal man never dreams of having the normal occupation of looking after his own property. When he chooses a trade, he chooses one of the ten thousand trades that involve looking after other people’s property.”

                                                         G.K. Chesterton                        



The foremost aim of the Royalist Party, USA [RPUSA] is to petition the Commonwealth of Nations to accept the United States as a member state and to restore the succession of the British Monarchy to the United States through Constitutional Convention.


We recognize and affirm Christianity as the keystone of the American nation, both in law and in society, and as such:

-Christianity will be considered a legal premise for determining the authority of our government and laws;

-Christianity can be used to understand existing laws and conceptualize new laws so far as those laws do not interfere with the rights of adherents to other religions;

-Christianity will be considered the moral fundament of the American nation.


We recognize the agrarian community as the basis of every civilized economy. We also recognize the overwhelming national and local advantages of a reliable, self-sufficient, fresh, and healthy supply of meat, dairy, and produce. As such, we hope to:

-return American agriculture to a place where local crops and livestock feed as many Americans as possible without straining of our farmers or placing the American economy at risk;

-encourage local farmers’ markets for the mutual benefit of our farmers and consumers;

-incentivized ‘agrarianization’—tax incentives, tertiary education, and scaled-back imports—in order to make farming and husbandry a viable and desirable livelihood for Americans with no previous experience in agriculture.

-encourage a guild system, wherein employers and employees can work toward mutual benefit rather than dividing society along class lines, as is the case with modern labor unions.



In recognizing the United Kingdom as our mother country and the Commonwealth as our brotherhood of nations, the Royalist Party acknowledges that cultural, linguistic, political, philosophical, religious, and historical ties to the former British Empire constitute an unbreakable bond that we are obliged and well-advised to cultivate.

-We insist that preferential trade, security, and diplomatic considerations should be given to Commonwealth nations.

-We abhor any notion of ‘Wars of Democracy’ and would not impose a certain form of government on any other people through military or economic measures.

-We recognize theright for the United States to act in its best economic interests but believe that we must honorably execute all contracts made with foreign powers at least to the point of their termination.

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